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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

According to Trump, Jeb Bush had a no-show job.....

OK, fine. If there is any validity to this, the issue will resolve itself. What do you want us to say. I see no need to dump on or back Trump or Bush at this point in time.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 01, 2015 3:32 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

mrgybe is defensive and vindictive about what his life's work may have done to the planet. Missed that love your enemy stuff entirely.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 05, 2015 2:28 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Trump is a fascist, surrounded by brownshirts. Like the bigots on the fringe of the party, the conservatives tolerate this behavior.

Let’s be honest: We’ve all been kind of enjoying watching Donald Trump, even if the prospect of him becoming the next president makes many of us shudder in horror.

But as he continues to lead in national polls, Trump’s campaign is giving us all another reason to pause: As of late, physical violence has been following the candidate on the campaign trail, and leaving those who dare challenge his offensive remarks and policy positions shaken up at best, banged up and bruised at worst. The common thread among those attacked by Trump’s goons (both hired and not): They’re all Latino men.

On Thursday, while Donald Trump was signing a GOP loyalty oath, promising to back the winning Republican presidential nominee and not run as an independent should he lose the party’s nomination, one of his security guards ripped a sign away from protesters outside Trump Tower in New York City and then hit a protester in the face after the man attempted to retrieve the sign.

The large blue banner read, “Make America Racist Again,” a play on Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

In news video footage, the protester who was hit, Efraín Galicia, is seen chasing after the security guard. As Galicia attempts to take back the sign, the guard turns and hits him in the face.

“These men are acting just like their boss, Donald Trump, pushing Jorge Ramos from Univision out,” Galicia said of the guards. “This man thinks he can do whatever he wants in this country, and we’re going to stop him.”

“The Trump campaign said that the security team member on Thursday was ‘jumped from behind’ and that the campaign would ‘likely be pressing charges,'” The New York Times reports.

This week’s strong-arming follows an August incident in which journalist Jorge Ramos was physically removed from a Trump campaign event by a security guard — who appears to be the same man who struck the protester outside Trump Tower.

Matt Surrusco
The 2016 Campaign Joke That’s No Longer Funny — Just Violent

Let’s be honest: We’ve all been kind of enjoying watching Donald Trump, even if the prospect of him becoming the next president makes many of us shudder in horror.

But as he continues to lead in national polls, Trump’s campaign is giving us all another reason to pause: As of late, physical violence has been following the candidate on the campaign trail, and leaving those who dare challenge his offensive remarks and policy positions shaken up at best, banged up and bruised at worst. The common thread among those attacked by Trump’s goons (both hired and not): They’re all Latino men.

On Thursday, while Donald Trump was signing a GOP loyalty oath, promising to back the winning Republican presidential nominee and not run as an independent should he lose the party’s nomination, one of his security guards ripped a sign away from protesters outside Trump Tower in New York City and then hit a protester in the face after the man attempted to retrieve the sign.

The large blue banner read, “Make America Racist Again,” a play on Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

In news video footage, the protester who was hit, Efraín Galicia, is seen chasing after the security guard. As Galicia attempts to take back the sign, the guard turns and hits him in the face.

“These men are acting just like their boss, Donald Trump, pushing Jorge Ramos from Univision out,” Galicia said of the guards. “This man thinks he can do whatever he wants in this country, and we’re going to stop him.”

“The Trump campaign said that the security team member on Thursday was ‘jumped from behind’ and that the campaign would ‘likely be pressing charges,'” The New York Times reports.

This week’s strong-arming follows an August incident in which journalist Jorge Ramos was physically removed from a Trump campaign event by a security guard — who appears to be the same man who struck the protester outside Trump Tower.

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When Ramos attempted to ask Trump a question about immigration, without being acknowledged to speak by The Donald, Trump told him to sit down and “Go back to Univision.” Later, Trump said he was not a bully, and Ramos “was totally out of line.”

In the most physically violent example of what Trump and his campaign have wrought, two of the candidate’s supporters in Boston allegedly beat and urinated on a homeless Latino man, after which one of the attackers reportedly told police, “Donald Trump was right, all these illegals need to be deported.”

The survivor of the assault, a 58-year-old man who had been sleeping on the street, had his nose broken and chest and arms beaten by the suspects, two brothers who were leaving a Boston Red Sox game.

Adding insult to significant physical injury, Trump’s immediate comment on the attack was callous and cruel. The Boston Globe reports:

Trump, told of the alleged assault, said “it would be a shame … I will say that people who are following me are very passionate. They love this country and they want this country to be great again. They are passionate.”

Later, he tempered his original statement, claiming on Twitter that he “would never condone violence.”

He “would never condone violence,” Trumps says, but he would, and has, proposed deporting millions of undocumented immigrants, stripping citizenship rights from the American children of undocumented immigrants, and building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to keep out immigrants, refugees, and political asylum seekers fleeing poverty and violence in their countries. He has also said he would bomb nations in the Middle East and take their oil by military force. But, again, he “would never condone violence.”

While Trump himself has not put his hands on anyone, his rhetoric against undocumented immigrants, his choice of words, which dehumanizes Latino immigrants as “illegals,” and his responses to the violent altercations occurring in his name make him responsible.

What began as comical media fodder that has kept us smiling in disgust during the start of the long 2016 presidential campaign season has devolved into violent hate with bodily consequences. And with five months to go until the GOP primaries begin, Americans should be worried about how politics, sometimes described as the civilized exertion of power, is turning into a blood sport.

We need to stop chuckling and start fighting the urge to watch Trump. It may be the only way to resist his brand of violence.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 9:00 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

mac wrote:
Trump is a fascist, surrounded by brownshirts. Like the bigots on the fringe of the party, the conservatives tolerate this behavior.


On Thursday, while Donald Trump was signing a GOP loyalty oath, promising to back the winning Republican presidential nominee and not run as an independent should he lose the party’s nomination, one of his security guards ripped a sign away from protesters outside Trump Tower in New York City and then hit a protester in the face after the man attempted to retrieve the sign.

The large blue banner read, “Make America Racist Again,” a play on Trump’s campaign slogan, “Make America Great Again.”

In news video footage, the protester who was hit, Efraín Galicia, is seen chasing after the security guard. As Galicia attempts to take back the sign, the guard turns and hits him in the face.

If the above is true that trump lied and left out the law breaking by his commando trump should be sued for one and a special prosecutor needs to be put in charge at this point. A very partisan pit bull liberal. I volunteer... All trumps emails should be brought forward including personal to see what he said on this subject. Going back to his college years.

Lets see if he has a pattern to violence and breaking laws. Lets see what was in this agreement with one of his ex wive specially regarding his allegded raping her when he was mad that his hair transplant surgery did not work to his satisfaction, did he really rip her hair pulling it like a girly man out while swearing at her and doing her from the behind, which she has called it rape. If so he should be registered as a sex offender.

Again it is apparent to me from this write up there is a conflict of events between trump and the protesters ie his thugs broke the law by attacking and stealing a protest sign. That is typical right wing provocation/escalation. This is America mr Putin, I mean trump. People have the right to protest you for your hate speech.

Why isn't the media all over this 24/7 this is serious a law was broken at the direction of a candidate in plain view of witnesses...

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 9:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

lets see if the media blasts this one all over... hey fox idiots did fox have a all day seminar with this one? Or are they now on his bandwagon?

Another day, another Donald Trump insult making waves in an already-tumultuous election cycle.

The GOP front-runner added to his ever-expanding laundry list of questionable comments aimed at women with a knock at Carly Fiorina’s physical appearance made during a recent interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president?" Trump reportedly bellowed while watching his Republican presidential rival on the news. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

again this is the top republican and how a right winger actual thinks. He is just expressing how a real republican thinks out loud. aren't right wingers the most despicable pigs, sorry pigs you are higher than them. (by the way that is a slam on the piglet isobrat for calling a democratic adult intern a pig, ge this right wing hate is all in the family)

remember when the real discourse began when right wingers in the media began attacking the dem presidents children's looks on the national airwaves by Rush. Even McCain in a campaign speech/event as a sitting senator attacked a presidents daughters appearance.

This is what the right wing stand for and applaud.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.

Last edited by real-human on Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 10:06 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

another nice article about the donald and his eminent domain attempted use to displace a lady... I wonder what words he used for this mother.....

There once was a widow who lived in a house by the sea.

It wasn’t much of a place, just a fading, clapboard-clad box a few steps from the boardwalk in Atlantic City.

Yet, somehow, that house has turned into a clogged intersection of American celebrity and wealth, an odd mash-up of failed dreams, bombast, stubborn indignation, name-calling, angry taunts and legal bombardment.

when good people stay silent the right wing are the only ones heard.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 11:10 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

George Will nails everything except how much damage Trump is doing to the brand. As someone who thinks the Tea Party is the worst thing to happen in American politics since Joe McCarthy, I keep hoping that the GOP will have an aha moment and reject the dog whistle approach that has moved Trump to the top of the heap.

By George F. Will Opinion writer September 9 at 8:39 PM

“I remember, when I was a child, being taken to the celebrated Barnum’s Circus, which contained an exhibition of freaks and monstrosities, but the exhibit on the program which I most desired to see was the one described as ‘The Boneless Wonder.’ My parents judged that that spectacle would be too revolting and demoralizing for my youthful eyes, and I have waited fifty years to see The Boneless Wonder sitting on the Treasury Bench.”

— Winston Churchill in the House of Commons, referring to British Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald, 1931

Donald Trump, whose promises are probably as malleable as his principles, promises to support the Republican nominee. Some of his rivals for the nomination, disoriented by their fear and envy of him, are making the GOP seem like the party of boneless wonders.

Some, who loudly lament how illegal immigrants damage the rule of law, have found a heroine in Kentucky. A county clerk, whose devotion to her faith is not stronger than her desire to keep her paycheck, chose jail rather than resignation when confronted with having to comply with the U.S. Supreme Court and the Constitution regarding same-sex marriage.

Donald Trump criticized U.S. leaders during a rally in opposition to the nuclear deal with Iran, saying the nation is losing everywhere. (AP)
Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal and Scott Walker think her religious freedom is being trampled. So does Ted Cruz, who surely knows better. He clerked for Chief Justice William Rehnquist and must remember the 1892 case in which a Massachusetts policeman claimed that rules restricting political activity by police violated his constitutional rights. Rejecting this claim, Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court wrote that the officer “may have a constitutional right to talk politics, but he has no constitutional right to be a policeman.”

Trump, the tone-setter of today’s GOP, recently chastised Jeb Bush for answering in Spanish a question that was asked in Spanish. Trump said Bush “should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States.” Trump presumably deplores the fact that a leading Illinois Republican politician in the late 1850s bought one of the region’s many German-language newspapers, and even briefly took German lessons. Abraham Lincoln did so, says Harold Holzer in “Lincoln and the Power of the Press,” in order to “boost his appeal to the most important voting bloc in his region.” Somehow, Americans of German extraction — the largest group of Americans — seem to have assimilated even though Lincoln set a sinister “example.”

In an extended recent riff on how great and loved he is (“Kanye West . . . loves Trump. He goes around saying ‘Trump is my all-time hero.’ He says it to everybody.”) and on subordinate matters, Trump cited, as evidence that “our country is being killed on trade,” this: “They have in Japan the biggest ships you’ve ever seen pouring cars into Los Angeles, pouring them in. I’ve never seen anything like it. We send them beef, and they don’t even want it. It’s going to end, and they’re going to like us.”

Well. Leaving aside Japan’s strange willingness to purchase unwanted beef, most Japanese vehicles that pour into the United States do so from plants in the United States. The vehicles are assembled by Americans using mostly American parts.

So, after Iowa’s evangelicals have plumbed Trump’s theological depths (“When we go in church and I drink the little wine, which is about the only wine I drink, and I eat the little cracker — I guess that’s a form of asking forgiveness”), South Carolinians can evaluate his America-can’t-compete, trade-is-killing-us campaign. There, his woe-is-us narrative will collide with cheerful realities that Republican Gov. Nikki Haley recently described in a Washington speech:

Flat-screen TVs are made in Winnsboro, bicycles are made in Manning (the New Jersey company moved its manufacturing there from China), and five foreign-owned tire companies (Michelin, Bridgestone, Continental, Giti Tire and Trelleborg) manufacture in the state. So do Mercedes and, starting in 2018, Volvo. South Carolina has what Germany does not have — the world’s largest BMW plant, from which vehicles pour at a rate of one every minute.

Recently Trump told MSNBC that, after his speech the day before, “The CNN reporter said it was the single greatest political speech she’s ever heard.” Asked which reporter, he said: “I don’t know her name. But she was wearing a beautiful red dress.” National Review’s Jim Geraghty reports that CNN says neither of its correspondents at the Trump event wore red.

When asked about rapper Kanye West's 2020 presidential plans, 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said he had nothing bad to say because "he loves Trump." (Reuters)

Novelist Mary McCarthy said of playwright Lillian Hellman, “Every word she writes is a lie, including ‘and’ and ‘the.’” If that was so, Trump is not even an original.

Disclosure: The columnist’s wife, Mari Will, works for Scott Walker.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:16 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

He's getting closer!
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:49 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

There is a new casino opening in D.C.!
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 1:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

This speech is why Trump is leading.
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